Here are all the works from 2016. They are no longer in inventory but are here to show the evolution of my work.
- 720. Ortega Trail 9/16
- 719. Squaw Flat Road 10/16
- 718. Potrero Seco Road 10/16
- 717. Dry Lakes Ridge Trail 9/16
- 716. Cedar Peak Trail 10/16
- 715. Overlook Trail 11/16
- 714. Last Chance Trail 11/16
- 713. White Mountain Ridge Trail 11/16
- 677. Potrero Seso Road 1/16
- 676. Overlook Trail 1/16
- 674. Ortega Trail #1 2/16
- 673. Last Chance Trail 1/16
- 692. Cobblestone Peak Trail 4/16
- 693. Matilija Trail North Falls 5/16
- 694. Sespe Trail Lower Narrows 5/16
- 696. Chief Peak Trail 5/16
- 695. Alder Creek Trail 3/16
- 697. Red Reef Trail 6/16
- 698. Overlook Trail 5/16
- Matilija Trail West Falls 5/16
- 700. Trespass Trail 5/16
- 701. Madulce Trail 3/16
- 702. Don Victor Trail 6/16
- 709. Potrero Seco Road 7/16
- 710. Mugu Peak Trail 7/16
- 712. Overlook Trail 8/16
- 730. Sespe Trail Grassy Flat 12/16
- 731. Red Reef Trail 12/16
- 732. Sespe Trail 12/16
- 733. Cedar Trail 12/16
- 734. Santa Barbara Canyon Trail 12/16
- 727. Ocean View Trail 11/16
- 725. Sespe Trail Middle Narrows #2 11/16
- 724. Horn Canyon Trail 11/16
- 723. Tunnel Trail 11/16
- 722. Whitaker Ridge Trail 11/16
- 721. Tucuya Peak Trail 10/16
- 685. Potrero Seco Road 2/16
- 684. Sespe Trail Upper Narrows 2/16
- 683. Chief Peak Trail 2/16
- 680. Overlook Trail 2/16
- 678. Ortega Trail #2 2/16
- 686. Penumbra of The Forest
- 688. Overlook Trail 6/16
- 689. Hildreth Peak Trail 5/16
- 687. Monte Arido Trail 6/16
- 690. Last Chance Trail 4/16
- 703. Redrum trail 3/16
- 704. Sespe Trail 7/16
- 705. Montanon Ridge Trail 7/16
- 706. Dry Lakes Ridge Trail 7/16
- 707. Pratt Trail 7/16
- 708. Sisar Trail 7/16
- 691. Sespe Trail Stone Corral 6/16
- 711. Robert 8/16
- 726. Sespe Trail middle Narrows 11/16
- 736. Red Reef Trail #2 12/16
- 737. Piedre Blanca Trail Nocturnal 12/16